Do you need your well or well casing inspected? Do you need your pump system inspected or certified for your mortgage company or your insurance company? We can help. We can inspect and certify your well, well casing, pumps, filters, and other items that are attached. We can also sample the water and send it off to a lab for organic, toxin or metal analysis.
Jacksonville Duval County 904-346-1266
St Augustine St Johns County 904-824-7144
Orange Park Clay County 904-264-6444
Jacksonville Beaches Duval County 904-246-3969
Fernandina Nassau County 904-277-3040
Macclenny Baker County 904-259-5091
Palm Coast Flagler County 386-439-5290
Daytona Volusia County 386-253-4911
Serving all of Florida and Georgia at 904-346-1266
EMAIL LARRY@1STPROP.COM (feel free to email your bidding packages here)
Water Well Inspections
We offer several water tests, however, the basic water well inspection, which suits most situations, is what we refer to as our “Three Test package”. This package includes:
1. The Flow Rate test which is a general overview of the well and pump system and a quantitative determination of the well and pump system’s capability in gpm (Gallons per Minute).
2. Potability Test which is a bacterial examination of the water looking specifically for Total Coliform, including E-Coli bacteria
3. The Water Exam is what determines the pH, hardness and iron content. If there is treatment equipment already installed we can determine whether it is functioning properly If no treatment equipment is installed we can recommend what options if any are necessary to improve the water quality
The average length of time it takes to perform the “Three Test Package” is 1-1/2 to 2 hours. This may vary somewhat due to the difficulty in finding portions of the system, examining compound installations accessibility and discussion with the client.
We do offer several other water tests as well. Some of these need special handling; timing and scheduling if the are required. These tests are:
1. VOC test (volatile organic compounds)
2. Lead
3. Lead & Copper
4. Nitrates
5. Metals
6. TDS (total dissolved solids)
Water Treatment & Service
- Water Softeners ( times & demand styles)
- Neutralizers
- Filters
- Green Sand Filters
- T & O ( taste & odor )Carbon Filters
Pump & Cold Storage Tank
There are two types of pumps:
Jet Pumps:
1. 25 foot well or less – – Jet pumps work in a simple principle. An electric motor drives an impeller which draws air from just above the water in the intake pipe. This creates a vacuum. Atmospheric pressure then pushes the water upward and into the pump. The jet pump needs water to pull new water up from the well so it must be primed. Priming simply involves pouring water down inside the pump body which is used to create a vacuum. a 1-way check valve is installed in the intake pipe leading to the jet. This keeps the water from running back down the well and helps to keep the jet pump primed. If the system is turned off for a long while this may cause the water in the pump body to evaporate in which case the pump will need to be re-primed.
2. 75 foot well or more – – A jet pump can still be used but instead of the jet assembly being mounted directly to the motor, it is connected to the impeller by a pipe that submerges it down inside the well. A second pipe comes from the output side of the jet back into the pump. This causes water to be forced from the pump down inside the jet and then back up through the pump, pulling even more water from the well along with it.
Submersible Pumps:
These pumps are by far the most commonly used. The entire pump assemble including electric motor, which is water tight, is lowered into the well. Special waterproof cable is connecting to the electric motor providing power to the pump. The submersible works on an entirely different principle than the jet pump. This type of pump sucks the water from the well and pushes it up into the plumbing using a series of impellers. The impellers ride on top of each other separated by discs called diffusers and are connected to a central shaft which is driven by the electric motor. As water flows through each impeller its speed is increased and so is the pressure. Submersible pumps tend to be more efficient, producing more water with a smaller size motor.
Cold Storage Tank:
In older type pressure tanks the air and water are combined in the same chamber. Since air is lighter than water, it occupies empty space in the tank above the water. As more water is pumped in to the tank the air becomes more and more compressed and pushes back against the water, creating a backpressure. This backpressure is used to push the water out of the tank and into the plumbing. There is one flaw in this design; however, air dissolves in water so over time the volume of air inside the pressure tank decreases and the backpressure created by it decreases. Therefore the tank must be recharged with air frequently. If the tank is not recharged, then pump continually will recycle.
Bladder Type
The Bladder tank has a rubber bladder which keeps the water separated from the air. This keeps the air from being dissolved in the water and greatly reducing the frequency at which the tank needs to be recharged. The only downside to this type of tank is that the bladder flexes and contracts each time water is used and over time the bladder can develop holes. This is what’s known as water logging. In this case, the air volume inside the tank will gradually decrease just like with a captive air tank and if not properly charged, pump cycling will occur.
Some of the many services we supply are:

Local Drinking Water Information
Each year by July 1 you should receive in the mail a short report (consumer confidence report, or drinking water quality report) from your water supplier that tells where your water comes from and what’s in it:
- see if your annual drinking water quality report is posted on-line, or
- read some frequent questions about these reports.
Follow the links below to the state and local members of our safe drinking water partner organizations:American Water Works AssociationAssociation of Metropolitan Water Agencies
Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
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